Kristen Brekke
Please call me if you have tax questions.
Special hours:
9/16/24 9-5
12/30/24 9-5
2/14/25 12pm-5pm
2/28/25 9-5
No Office Hours on the following dates due to elections:
8/6/24, 11/5/24
No Office Hours on the following dates due to holidays:
11/28/24, 12/25/24, 12/26/24, 12/31/24, 1/1/25
PHONE: 734-475-2401 ext. 13
You can check your current tax information online. You may pay your Township taxes online by credit card.
Please click here to check your current tax information or make credit card payments online (fees apply for this service). Once you click the above link, the payment section is in the left hand column: online payments; current tax payments.

Summer Taxes
Summer Tax Notices are mailed at the end of June and are due and payable from July 1st to September 14th of each year. There will be a 1% penalty charge applied for unpaid summer taxes from September 15th until September 30th. Thereafter a 1% per month interest charge will be added each month until March 1st of current year. On March 1st property tax records are turned over to the Washtenaw County Treasurer's office.
Winter Taxes
Winter Tax Notices are mailed at the end of November of each year. State Law requires payment of property taxes from December 1st to through February 14th. All taxes must be paid by five (5:00PM) on February 28 of current year. On March 1 of current year, Lyndon Township real property tax records are turned over to the County Treasurer. After March 1 of current year, any Real Property Taxes due must be paid at the Washtenaw County Treasurer's Office in Ann Arbor.
Allow an extension for payment of taxes from February 28th until April 30th. Deferments are available to taxpayers whose gross household income for the preceding calendar year did not exceed $40,000 and meet one of the following criteria:
- 62 years of age or older, including the unmarried surviving spouse of a person who was 62 years or older at the time of death
- Paraplegic or Quadriplegic
- Eligible Serviceperson, Eligible Veteran, Eligible Widow or Widower
- Blind
- Totally and Permanently Disabled
Deferment and Hardship Exemption applications for qualified property owners are available from the treasurer’s office. Please contact the Township office for the proper form.
If you have any questions about your taxes, my regular office hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to noon.

Tax payments may be made to me personally during office hours or placed in the locked green drop box located at the side of the building with the paved parking lot. (No cash please) This box is checked regularly. If your use the drop box your “paid” receipts will be mailed or faxed to you if requested.
If you feel that you qualify for a homestead exemption and it is not printed on your tax bill please contact the assessor. To confirm your homestead status, it will be listed on the right side of the tax bill under the Tax Detail Section as P. R. E. % (Principal Residence Exemption Percentage).le.
If you see”100%”then the Township has this property as your principal residence. If ” 0%” then the property on the tax bill does not have a principal residence exemption.
Lyndon Township will accept partial payments for taxes from July 1, until February 28. On March 1, all unpaid property taxes (except personal property) will be sent to Washtenaw County.
The Lyndon Township Offices will be closed on all holidays.
Please call me if you have questions, at 734-475-2401 ext. 13. If I am out of the office please leave a voice-mail message with your name and phone number and I will return your call as soon as possible.
Tax lookup and interactive county map:
Go to
Link to real property (real estate) data from the Washtenaw County Treasurer and the Equalization and Property Description Department which includes Lyndon Township.
Note: The latest data is available only from the Lyndon Township Treasure.
Go to
Link to access to the latest parcel maps and property data, aerial imagery, soils, natural features information. This site can be accessed by using parcel ID numbers.
Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes:
See Understanding Your Property Taxes to understand your taxes and tax bill, especially the Taxable Value vs the Assessed Value. It also explains the Board of Review. Also see The Assessment Process to understand more how your property is assessed.
Personal Property taxes (for business and commercial property):
Must be paid by March 1, and are payable ONLY to the Township Treasurer.
Delinquent Property Taxes:
Public Act 123 of 1999 changes the way delinquent property taxes are collected.
The County Treasurer may be required to sell a home or farm for non-payment of taxes after only three years:
When unpaid taxes are turned over to the County Treasurer in March, the County Treasurer will send several delinquent tax notices over the course of the year, beginning in June. If these taxes remain unpaid for three years, the home or farm may be forfeited to the County.

In addition, a fee of $175 is added to the back taxes and the interest rate is 1.5 percent per month computed retroactively to March 1st. If taxes remain unpaid for three years, the home or farm is foreclosed and sold during a series of auctions. There are agencies in Washtenaw County that can help individuals unable to pay their taxes.
Each agency has certain eligibility requirements, but they can provide concrete information and valuable advice even if an individual is not eligible for financial assistance. The County Treasurer’s Office can provide more detailed information specific to your situation if your taxes are delinquent.
Contact the County Treasurer’s office:
Phone: (734)222-6600
Fax (734)222-6632
Dog Licenses
Dog licenses are available online or by mail from the Washtenaw County Treasurer. Call (734)222-6600 or order on line at
Address Changes
Please notify the Township Assessor in writing of any address changes pertinent to tax billing for your property. This includes the use of mailbox numbers or having a tax bill mailed to a winter address. Please include your tax ID (parcel) number, address or location of property and the new address information. Forms are available at the Town Hall.
Property Homestead Declaration
If your property should be declared as your Homestead and this has not been done, please contact the Assessor on THURSDAY mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Homestead Exemption affidavit must be filed with the Township for the exemption to be in place for the December tax bill.
Your property is your Homestead if it is your primary residence (same as your driver's license and your voter's registration). You can only declare one property as a Homestead.