The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) was established to address the challenges of applying uniform zoning regulations to diverse parcels of land. Recognizing that unique property conditions often require flexibility, the state mandated through zoning enabling acts that communities with zoning ordinances establish ZBAs. The ZBA serve as quasi-judicial bodies tasked with two primary responsibilities: hearing appeals of administrative decisions related to zoning enforcement and deciding on variance requests to deviate from zoning requirements. Additionally, ZBAs occasionally interpret provisions within zoning ordinances, ensuring clarity and consistent application of land use regulations.

As decision-makers, ZBA members have a significant and enduring responsibility because land use decisions often have permanent effects on property value and community development. While navigating complex situations involving property owners, neighbors, and community standards, ZBA members must act fairly and consistently, guided by the zoning ordinance’s established criteria. Adhering to these standards preserves the integrity of zoning ordinances, whereas granting variances without justification can undermine community trust and enforcement. Effective ZBA members must balance individual property rights with the community’s long-term interests, ensuring that decisions are thoughtful, impartial, and in line with the ordinance.

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) does not hold regularly scheduled meetings. Meetings are called as needed when petitions for variances, interpretations, or appeals are filed with the Township. The ZBA reserves the third Tuesday of each month to hold these public meeting.

Petitions must be submitted to the Township at least five (5) weeks prior to the meeting date, and a complete application and materials must be received no later than four (4) weeks before the meeting.

Notice of a scheduled meeting is published in a local newspaper (such as The Sun Times or the Jackson Patriot), and notices are mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the property related to the petition.

Please contact the Ordinance Officer, Scott Pacheco AIPC, at (734) 475-2401.Office Hours: Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and by appointment

Comments are closed.

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