There are several ways to find details about the Mid-Michigan Pipeline and the work planned for 2023 in Washtenaw, Livingston and Ingham counties. You can:
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Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 8/15/23
Consumers Energy and their pipeline contractor are in the beginning stages of finalizing pipeline work in Washtenaw County. Their primary focus in Sylvan and Lyndon Townships is the placement of topsoil, seed and mulch to areas that were disturbed during pipeline installation. Consumers has engaged with a paving contractor to address the dips that have occurred at Old U.S. 12, Cavanaugh Lake, North Territorial Road, and Westbourne Court. The paving contractor has been tied up finalizing parking lot repairs for various school districts. We are hopeful the corrections will begin near or shortly after the Labor Day holiday. WCRC and Consumers will continue to communicate with the paving contractor to learn when work will commence.
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 7/21/23
It’s been a few weeks since you heard from us as. Attached is the latest update on the Consumers pipeline activities occurring in the road right of way. WCRC has been working with ASI to formulate a plan to address the three pavement depressions (dips) at the crossings of Old U.S. 12, North Territorial Road, and Cavanaugh Lake Road. Presume corrections will be made as soon as next week.
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 6/30/23
Attached is the latest update on the Consumers pipeline activities occurring in the road right of way. WCRC is aware of the pavement depressions that have occurred at the Old U.S. 12 crossing in Sylvan Township and North Territorial Road in Lyndon Township. WCRC is also aware of the road damage sustained at Westborne Court. WCRC has discussed these matters with Consumers. Plans are in place for corrective measures to be taken. I will keep your offices posted on details as they unfold.
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 6/14/23
WCRC is aware of the pavement depressions that have occurred at the Old U.S. 12 crossing in Sylvan Township and North Territorial Road in Lyndon Township. WCRC is also aware of the road damage sustained at Westborne Court. WCRC has discussed these matters with Consumers. Plans are in place for corrective measures to be taken.
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 6/9/23
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 6/1/23
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 5/24/23
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 5/17/23
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Bowdish Road Closure
Snelson is planning on temporarily closing down Bowdish Road next week on 5/23 and 5/24 to perform the open cut crossing for installing the MMP 36” pipeline.
Snelson plans to have the road back open to public traffic on Thursday 5/25.
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 5/10/23
Snelson informed WCRC their crews are performing various activities throughout the pipeline right of way, such as clearing, ditching, welding, coating, and boring pipe.
Subject: Consumer’s Pipeline Update 4/19/23
The latest update received from Consumers Energy is crews will complete locating existing underground utilities and installing stone approaches to gain access to the pipeline easement in Lyndon Township by the end of this week. Their mainline crew have begun work at the starting point in Sylvan Township (south of I-94). I passed along the Township’s concern on an extensive Bowdish Road closures. Alternatives and being evaluated to minimize closure time. No timeline has been established as to when Bowdish Road will be closed
Mark McCulloch
Sr. Project Manager – Permits
Washtenaw County Road Commission
***As of now the only planned closure in Lyndon Township is Bowdish Road west of Roepke Road
Statement From Consumers Power
In consultation with the MDNR, Consumers Energy will remove brush in our construction right of way near the Pinckney and Waterloo state recreation areas to prepare for the Mid-Michigan Pipeline Replacement Project starting this spring. We have to remove trees to get to the brush properly, which is a DNR requirement, to ensure our crews can perform their work safely and to protect bats and prevent the spread of Oak wilt disease. We’ll mitigate the environmental impact by working with the MDNR team to carefully select the trees that must be removed and to determine how, where and when to plant the appropriate replacements. We plan to begin removing trees this winter to remove habitat that may attract endangered species of bats and to prevent the spread of oak wilt, an aggressive fungus that impairs the flow of water to the tree’s canopy and leaves. This disease kills thousands of oak trees each year in forests and communities throughout Michigan. Infected trees need to be disposed of in a manner that prevents further infections.
Stephanie R. Blatt
Community Affairs Manager
11801 Farmington Rd. | Livonia, MI 48150
O- (734) 513-6200
M- 313-402-7011
Pipeline Road Use Agreement
Road Closures for Pipeline
As of now the only planned closure in Lyndon Township is Bowdish Road west of Roepke Road. The date of the closure and its duration will be dependent upon circumstances.
Mid Michigan 100A Ph 1_Twp Map Park-Bike-M52 Construction Detail