Agendas, Public Notices, Transition|


Dear Resident,

Lyndon Township’s broadband network provides essential services to most of our residents.  As you know, the township has selected, based in Lansing, Michigan,  to operate our community-owned broadband network, effective July 1, 2024. is nearing completion of Infrastructure assessment, and technical setup of hardware and software configuration and will transition over to complete management of the network within the next 60 days.

Our current provider will not be giving us access to existing contact information records.  This contact information is essential for our transition.    ACD is undertaking a significant effort to “re-collect”  this information as well as the authorization to transfer telephone service if you have subscribed to that service.

All of this information is required to ensure that ACD can communicate with residents to provide support and billing services.    Please visit this website as soon as possible and help out by providing your contact information.


To submit your contact information and authorization to transfer phone service. For us to ensure that we can process the transfer, this is required to be done by May 30th, 2024

If you have any questions, you may contact 24X7X365 at:
517-999-9999, you can chat with a representative there as well

You may also contact the Lyndon Township Office at:

Thank you for your assistance in helping us with this transition!

Kevin Schoen                                 Pam Byrnes                                Gary Munce
CEO                                             Township Suipervisor                  Deputy Supervisor                                        Lyndon Township                        Lyndon Township

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